JEANBowen Therapy
Whole body Care

Services & Rates

In my space

Custom 30 minutes: $90
Custom 60 minutes: $180
Custom 90 minutes: $270
The Duke 60 minutes: $210
The Dutchess 60 minutes: $210
The Prince 60 minutes: $220
The Princess 60 minutes: $220
QUEEN 90 minutes: $320
KING 90 minutes: $320
PRENATAL 90 minutes: $180
Shiatsu 60 minutes: $120
Stretching 60 minutes: $60
Body sculp legs 140 minutes: $350
Body sculp arms 140 minutes: $300
Body sculp tummy minutes: $140
Body sculp 6 hours: $700

Allow My Space To Be Your Place

      Custom massages           Designed & tailor to each client directly. Enhanced with your choice of aroma therapy 

            The Duke & Duchess                 Deep relaxation massage with hot oil hot stones . Includes your choice aroma therapy hot oils 

          The Prince & Princess               Indulge with a full body sugar scrub followed by a hot oil massages. Your choice of aroma therapy 

                  KING & QUEEN                 Allow yourself to be fully Immersed into Royal treatment & succumb to complete relaxation with a sugar body scrub followed by a hot stones aroma therapy hot oil massage including cold stone face massage.

                        Prenatal ​​                          Mothers to be, this is where you need to be. Our 90 minute session are specially designed with your comfort in mind. My prenatal massage includes head, shoulders, arms, elevation & movement & light stretching of legs and massage and foot scrub. Knowing the magical magnificent wonderful experience of bringing forth life. I thank you. (must be past first trimester as the body is settling in)

                Shiatsu Massage.            Eastern Practice Massage allow circulation of the body's energy in which it flows though or circulating blood system. This massage is done full clothed and uses full compression to move blood flow that may be block or slow moving to aid the Circulatory system. This style of massage does not include any oils and is primarily done on a yoga mat.

                      Stretching                     stretching made easy. I help you do passive stretching, this allows for complete range of the muscle without using the muscle.  I also assist with timing and breathing coaching support to help maximize the stretching effect. Done in relax clothing.

                 Body Sculpting ​​​​​​                    I use body wraps of hot and cold cream along with wood tools and cupping to   soften and liquefy superficial adipose tissue and aid in detoxing the body by way of lymphatic drainage. Each limb is cold cream wrapped for 20 (this includes application) wood tools usage for 15min. Hot  cream wrapped for (includes coffee scrub) and 15min of cupping (includes grapseed oil). This process is done completely through for each limb separately to ensure proper liquefy of adipose tissue and detox to limp system. This treatment also includes a suggested detox menu to take home and body wrapping to continue the detoxification of the body.







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In Your Home service

Custom 60 minutes: $210
Custom 75 minutes: $248
Customer 90 minutes: $290

In Your Home Massage 

Relax, home is where the heart is. Maybe it's your favorite park, maybe it's your rooft top or maybe it's in you living room. Wherever it's at, I come to you, I set the ambiance, you control the rest. All you need is what you like including your favorite sheets and pillow HOT STONES CAN BE ADDED TO any  SESSION for an addition price.


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